Wednesday 12 September 2007

The things that yoga can do....

Yoga incorporates the whole person, not just the physical body - it promotes the balance between body, mind, emotions and spirit. The emphasis is on awareness and encouragement to learn about all aspects of your personality through yoga. By awakening individuals' awareness and inherent self-healing power, physical dis-ease and mental stress can be managed and relieved. By steadying the emotions and calming the mind, a sense of perspective can be gained, bringing a feeling of peace and freedom and inner strength.

Practicing yoga detoxifies and rejuvenates all systems of the body, to purify thoughts and emotions and promote deep stress release. Almost all yoga postures are woven around the spine to ensure its flexibility and strength. If the spine is healthy, the central nervous system is strong and steady, and energy can flow freely in the body preventing dis-ease and promoting wellbeing. Asana practice is a means to deepen our self-awareness in order to bring about self-transformation.

This last paragraph ties in with the concepts of nadis and shusumna in relation to scoliosis which I will explore soon.

1 comment:

Kirtan said...

A steady regime of Buddhist yoga meditation will bring you much success and happiness, and bring you many benefits. Indeed, it could even change or perhaps save your life. Many people who practice meditation also do yoga, and that's no surprise; the two disciplines share a number of related characteristics.